Garden Items for the Winter Fair
This year the children and I prepared things to sell at the Winter Fair to benefit our school.
We put together a collection of seedlings appropriate for winter planting. The flat contains lettuce and broccoli.
We also put together our well liked herbal tea. You can see our garden ingredients listed. When we don't have enough of a plant, I do augment with organic teas from the Rainbow Grocery bulk tea bins. Usually it's just the nettles and peppermint we're low on.
Next to the collection of tea bags, you'll see a glass jar of sea salt herb rub. We grew those ingredients and the Third Grade loved mixing it all up. The courtyard around the Third Grade garden smelled amazing!
The funny thing was, at the Winter Fair we did not specify that this salt rub was for cooking. After the Fair, I heard of at least one person who bought it for their bath. The rub won't hurt them, but the garlic wafting from the tub's waters might be an unwelcome surprise.